CCHS Day 2019 … It Only Takes A Second
5th Annual International CCHS Day: November 9, 2019
Teddy Joe wants you to know that CCHS DAY 2019 is only 5,256,006 seconds away!!!
Mark your calendars for NOVEMBER 9TH, 2019 and start considering ways that you and your family can raise awareness and potentially help us raise $1,000,000 since the Foundation’s conception in 2014!
It Only Takes A Second
It only takes a second to … fall asleep. It only takes a second to … turn on a ventilator. It only takes a second to … make a difference. It only takes a second to … move us forward years.
Actors and activists Henry Winkler and Jonah Hill recently learned of CCHS through personal connections and offered to lend their voices to the cause. They will be featured in a public service announcement designed to highlight the complexities of CCHS and need for better advocacy, funding and management options.
The PSA launches November 6, 2019 on the CCHS Network and Foundation’s social media platforms (Facebook: The CCHS Foundation; Instagram: @cchsnetwork; Twitter: @cchsnetwork). Supporters can follow CCHS Day related happenings around the world via the hashtag #cchsday2019, #CCHSawareness.
For more information on the 2019 campaign: 2019 CCHS Day Announcement
CCHS Day 2019 Press Release
Facebook Fundraisers
The best and easiest way to make a difference this CCHS Day is to create a Facebook Fundraiser on your personal page. You can share your journey with family and friends and invite them to Take A Second and make a donation. The CCHS Foundation has raised almost $35,000.00 in the last 2 years through a few Facebook Fundraisers. Imagine if we all used social media to advocate for our cause! For detailed information on how to create a Facebook Fundraiser, go to
Host A CCHS Day Event
Gather your family and friends for a CCHS Day event. This could be anything from a small party at your home to a larger Dine & Donate fundraiser at a local restaurant.
Buy A CCHS Day T-Shirt
Purchase your 2019 CCHS Day t-shirts to show your support of this international campaign. T-shirt Store
We’re Here To Help
We understand that organizing a fundraiser can be a daunting task. The Foundation has a team of volunteers who are eager to share tips and experiences. Please contact us at with questions, ideas, and/or requests as you consider ways for your family to get involved!
Facebook Page
Please help promote this event by viewing and liking our Facebook Page! Feel free to post on your timeline and share!
The CCHS Foundation has an open Facebook page that anyone can join to follow CCHS.
You can also follow us on Twitter.
Consider making a donation to the CCHS Foundation at